Corey Jackson

Credentials: Ph.D.

Position title: Assistant Professor

Pronouns: he/him


Website: Corey Jackson's website

photo of corey jackson

My area of research lies at the intersection of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) and human-centered design/computing. My work investigates the approaches to enhancing contribution by crowds in online environments. Using mixed-methods approaches and data science techniques, I investigations how people (‘‘the crowd’’) contributes to and participates in virtual citizen science. Prior research projects have included: studying the motivations of volunteer crowd workers, investigating learning behaviors, using theory-based motivational cues to enhance pariticpation, and investigating the coordinative mechanisms of knowledge production.

Ongoing research considers approaches to diversity the crowd in various contexts. This work involves research using participatory design to re-imagine how new systems and digital tools might enhance approaches to involve underrepresented groups in informing and shaping environmental policy. Additional projects focus on approaches to enhance and diversify definitions of fairness in machine learning audits. Check out my website to learn more.